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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - firm


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  1. фирма; торговый дом Id: long firm —- компания мошенников, закупающих товары в кредит от имени несуществующей фирмы 2. твердый firm ground —- суша to be on firm ground —- чувствовать твердую почву под ногами, чувствовать себя уверенно firm flesh —- упругое тело 3. крепкий, прочный, устойчивый firm foundation —- прочный фундамент, прочное основание firm nerves —- крепкие нервы a firm seat in the saddle —- устойчивая посадка в седле roots firm in the earth —- корни, крепко сидящие в земле to be firm on one's legs —- крепко держаться на ногах to walk with a firm tread —- идти уверенной походкой 4. твердый, неизменный firm prices —- твердые цены firm power —- ам. обеспеченная мощность электростанции 5. твердый, непоколебимый, нерушимый, верный (своим убеждениям) firm conviction —- твердое убеждение firm faith (belief) —- твердая вера firm friends —- верные друзья 6. решительный, настойчивый firm measures —- решительные меры firm treatment of children —- строгое обращение с детьми firm chin —- упрямый подбородок firm offer —- окончательное предложение to look firm —- иметь непреклонный вид to take a firm hold of smth. —- взять что-л. в свои руки Id: to rule with a firm hand —- править твердой рукой Id: to be as firm as a rock —- быть твердым, как скала; не поддаваться искушениям 7. крепко, твердо, прочно, неизменно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  prices устойчивые цены FIRM I noun фирма, торговый дом - long firm II  1. adj.  1) крепкий, твердый to be on firm ground - чувствовать твердую почву под ногами; чувствовать себя уверенно - firm ground  2) устойчивый; стойкий, непоколебимый; (as) firm as a rock - твердый или неподвижный как скала - firm step - firm prices  3) решительный; настойчивый - firm measures Syn: see wilful  2. adv. твердо, крепко  3. v. укреплять(ся); уплотнять(ся) (тж. firm up) to firm the ground after planting - утрамбовать землю после посадки растений FIRM believer in твердый сторонник чего-л. FIRM ground суша FIRM measures решительные меры FIRM of repute известная фирма FIRM step твердая поступь ...
Англо-русский словарь
  фирма – affiliated firm – ancillary firm – applicant firm – computer firm – dominant firm – intermediator firm – law firm – nascent firm – patent law firm – rival firm – software firm FIRM I сущ. эк., юр. фирма а) эк., юр. (юридическое лицо, созданное одним или более юридическими и/или физическими лицами для выполнения определенного вида деятельности с целью получения прибыли) to manage operate, run a firm — управлять фирмой to establish a firm — основать фирму law advertising firm — юридическая рекламная фирма firm of accountants — бухгалтерская фирма firm of solicitors — адвокатская фирма Syn: "company, enterprise, concern, house, business See: "service firm, "retail firm, "manufacturing firm, "trade firm "consulting firm "mail-order firm б) эк. (в экономической теории: один из экономических агентов (наряду с государством и домохозяйствами), покупающий ресурсы производства у домохозяйств и производящий блага) II 1. прил. 1) а) эк. крепкий; плотный; твердый; устойчивый (в т. ч. о ценах, соглашениях, тенденциях и т. д.) to be on firm ground — чувствовать твердую почву под ногами; чувствовать себя уверенно in firm hands — в крепких руках The market is firm. — Положение рынка устойчивое. б) общ. твердый, неизменный firm price — твердая цена в) фин. устойчивый (о курсе) The pound was firm against the dollar. — Курс фунта был устойчив по отношению к доллару. 2) общ....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) крепкий 2) прочный 3) сплошной 4) стойкий 5) твердый 6) товарищество 7) устойчивый 8) фирма 9) фирменный hold a firm place — занимать прочное место - firm capacity - firm gel - firm ground - firm line ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  фирма крепкий; прочный contracting firm ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  фирма, компания - car rental firm ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. adj., adv., & v. --adj. 1 a of solid or compact structure. b fixed, stable. c steady; not shaking. 2 a resolute, determined. b not easily shaken (firm belief). c steadfast, constant (a firm friend). 3 a (of an offer etc.) not liable to cancellation after acceptance. b (of a decree, law, etc.) established, immutable. 4 Commerce (of prices or goods) maintaining their level or value. --adv. firmly (stand firm; hold firm to). --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become firm, secure, compact, or solid. 2 tr. fix (plants) firmly in the soil. Derivatives firmly adv. firmness n. Etymology: ME f. OF ferme f. L firmus 2. n. 1 a a business concern. b the partners in such a concern. 2 a group of persons working together, esp. of hospital doctors and assistants. Etymology: earlier = signature, style: Sp. & It. firma f. med.L, f. L firmare confirm f. firmus FIRM(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English ferm, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~us; akin to Greek thronos chair, throne  Date: 14th century  1.  a. securely or solidly fixed in place  b. not weak or uncertain ; vigorous  c. having a solid or compact structure that resists stress or pressure  2.  a.  (1) not subject to change or revision  (2) not subject to price weakness ; steady  b. not easily moved or disturbed ; steadfast  c. well-founded  3. indicating ~ness or resolution a ~ mouth  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century in a ~ manner ; steadfastly, fixedly  III. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make secure or fast ; tighten ~ing her grip on the racquet — often used with up  b. to make solid or compact ~ the soil  2. to put into final form ; settle ~ a contract ~ up plans  3. to give additional support to ; strengthen — usually used with up  intransitive verb  1. to become ~ ; harden — often used with up  2. to recover from a decline ; improve the market is ~ing  IV. noun  Etymology: German Firma, from Italian, signature, ultimately from Latin ~are to make ~, con~, from ~us  Date: 1744  1. the name or title under which a company transacts business  2. a partnership of two or more persons that is not recognized as a legal person distinct from the members composing it  3. a business unit or enterprise ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (firms, firmer, firmest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A firm is an organization which sells or produces something or which provides a service which people pay for. The firm’s employees were expecting large bonuses. ...a firm of heating engineers. = company N-COUNT 2. If something is firm, it does not change much in shape when it is pressed but is not completely hard. Fruit should be firm and in excellent condition... Choose a soft, medium or firm mattress to suit their individual needs. ? soft ADJ 3. If something is firm, it does not shake or move when you put weight or pressure on it, because it is strongly made or securely fastened. If you have to climb up, use a firm platform or a sturdy ladder. = secure ADJ • firmly The front door is locked and all the windows are firmly shut. ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v 4. If someone’s grip is firm or if they perform a physical action in a firm way, they do it with quite a lot of force or pressure but also in a controlled way. The quick handshake was firm and cool... He managed to grasp the metal, get a firm grip of it and heave his body upwards. = strong ADJ • firmly She held me firmly by the elbow and led me to my aisle seat. ADV: ADV after v 5. If you describe someone as firm, you mean they behave in a way that shows that they are not going to change their mind, or that they are the person who is in control. She had to be firm with him. ‘I don’t want to see you again.’... Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure. ADJ: oft ADJ with n • firmly ‘A good night’s sleep is what you want,’ he said firmly. ADV: ADV with v 6. A firm decision or opinion is definite and unlikely to change. He made a firm decision to leave Fort Multry by boat... It is my firm belief that an effective partnership approach between police and the public is absolutely necessary. = definite ADJ: usu ADJ n • firmly He is firmly convinced that it is vital to do...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n a business or company, especially a small one  (electronics/advertising/law etc firm)  (She works for an electronics firm. | a firm of accountants/solicitors etc)  (Kevin is with a firm of accountants in Birmingham.) ~2 adj 1 »HARD« not completely hard, but not soft and not easy to bend into a different shape  (The sofa cushions are fairly firm. | a firm green apple) 2 »NOT LIKELY« TO MOVE strong or fixed in position, and not likely to move or break  (The ladder felt strong and firm.) 3 »NOT LIKELY« TO CHANGE firm decisions, beliefs etc are not likely to change, because you are sure about them  (The client hasn't reached a firm decision on the matter yet.) 4 »STRONG AND IN CONTROL« behaving or speaking in a way that is strong and that shows you are not likely to change your answer, belief etc  (Cal replied with a polite but firm `no'. | The country needs firm leadership. | be firm with sb)  (You need to be firm with her, or she'll try to take control.) 5 a firm grip/hold/grasp if you have something in a firm hold you are holding it tightly and strongly  (He took a firm grip of my arm and marched me towards the door. | a firm handshake (=in which you hold the other person's hand strongly or tightly)) 6 take a firm stand/line to state your opinion clearly and not be persuaded to change it 7 stand/hold firm to not change your actions or opinions  (Gothard is urging Christians to stand firm against divorce.) 8 »MONEY« not falling in value  (The pound was still firm against the dollar this morning.)  (- see also firm offer) - firmly adv - firmness n ~3 v to press down on soil to make it harder or more solid firm sth up phr v 1 to make arrangements, ideas etc more definite and exact  (We're hoping to firm up the deal later this month.) 2 to make a part of your body have more muscle and less fat by exercising ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  st. & loc. abbr. Flood Insurance Rate Map mathem. abbr. Formal Inference Recursive Modeling adult abbr. Foolish Investment Requiring Madness media abbr. Film Industry Reform Movement ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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